Rosemarie Somaiah PARTNER
Rosemarie, storyteller, teacher and writer, is a Partner with ASN. She has taught, led workshops and told stories in local and international schools, museums, corporations, over the radio, in libraries and even on the MRT! Rosemarie has performed at festivals in Singapore, the UK, Hong Kong, Hungary and India. She enjoys exploring story in all its forms and is comfortable with young and old. She is a published writer with several books to her name.
Kiran co-founded Asian Storytelling Network with Sheila Wee. In addition to her performances and workshops on storytelling in several countries, Kiran was a well-known trainer in the field of early childhood education and retailer of quality children’s books in Singapore. Now based in Australia, Kiran continues her links with ASN and visits several times a year to the delight of her ever-growing circle of friends.
Vinod Somaiah PARTNER
Whilst Vinod enjoys telling tall tales to family and friends, he brings other invaluable skills to the ASN team. As a Partner with ASN and a background in the corporate world, he provides logistical and operational support.
Click here to learn more about the team.
Rosemarie |
Kiran | Storytellers
If you think you have what it takes to be on ASN's team of Storytellers please send us an email with your CV details.