Dolly Leow grew up listening to stories from her family members and that developed her love for personal stories and folktales. She has told stories at the Storytellers Showcase, Sayang Singapore, schools and libraries. What she enjoys most is telling stories that are movement based and having lots of fun with the audience.

Helen Tan retired from the Education Service in 2004, after 42 years of service. She is presently a teacher-counsellor at St Patrick’s School. She was Assistant Director, Uniformed Groups from 1995 to 2004; school principal from 1990 to 1995 and Staff Officer at the National Police Cadet Corps HQ from 1977 to 1987 where she was involved in planning of projects and training of both students and teachers. Her interests include reading, storytelling, singing and dancing. Her strong interest in storytelling started more than 40 years ago as a mother and teacher. Over the years, she has honed her skills in storytelling through attending courses and workshops and having lots of practice in telling stories to children and adults, especially to her two grandchildren.

Jeeva Raghunath, an international professional storyteller and author, has been working with children and teachers for nearly ten years in India and overseas. Her love for children has made her train them in storytelling, speech and drama. She is very passionate about developing communication skills among children and her training is a lot of fun for she believes in simplicity and learning through fun.

Jessie Goh finds storytelling an exciting medium which enables her to use her skills to engage the imagination of others. She has always enjoyed telling stories during her 40-year education and teaching career. Storytelling, like the quality of mercy, ‘blesses him that gives and him that receives’. She feels that she improves with practice, and her audience enjoys the stories that she brings to life. She believes that besides encouraging a love of folktales, myths and legends, storytelling is an ideal teaching tool because it allows ideas and values to be shared in a non-threatening environment.

Joo Hymn is a storyteller with an educational background in Law and Early Childhood education. She is comfortable in telling to young and old audiences in both English and Mandarin. She is an active member and current President of the Storytelling Association (Singapore). In addition, she has had a long association with AWARE.

Juriah Atan is a bilingual (English and Malay) trainer in speech and drama, effective communication, storytelling and reading. She is a Professional Member of the Singapore Storytelling Association. She has told stories at schools and events organized by Asian Storytelling Network, Mendaki, National Library Board, Arts House and Community Development Council.

Karen Lee is a storyteller with an educational background in Psychology and Linguistics. A former school teacher and a learning support specialist, she has experience with special needs children and has conducted workshops for parents as well. Karen has successfully delivered engaging performances at various venues and has conducted storytelling workshops at primary and secondary schools.

Mabel Lee has been a primary schoolteacher and speech and drama teacher for Julia Gabriel Speech and Drama Centre. She has featured in Theatre and Television. She is a founder member of the SRL’s Storytellers’ Circle and serves as Treasurer of the Storytellers Association of Singapore. Mabel has featured prominently in a number of professional storytelling performances. In addition, she has conducted a number of storytelling workshops at various primary and secondary schools.

Nancy Leppard has a background in teaching. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts from the NUS she completed a Diploma in Special Education and Post Graduate Diploma in Education from the NIE. Nancy is a professional member of the Storytelling Association (Singapore) and has participated in a number of storytelling performances and workshops. Nancy is proficient in both English and Mandarin.

Wong Swee Yean is a speech and drama teacher and a storyteller. She began her professional life as secondary school teacher teaching English and Literature. She then moved on to speech and drama training and subsequently trains students in this area. Swee Yean loves reading and enjoys telling stories. With the Asian Storytelling Network, she has conducted storytelling workshops in schools to enhance English language learning and instill the love for reading.
